South Forsyth Veterinary Laser Therapy
Laser therapy or "photobiomodulation" is the use of specific wavelengths of light to create therapeutic benefits. This type of therapy has been widely used in Europe by physical therapists, nurses and doctors since the 1970's. With FDA clearance in 2002, it is now being used extensively in the United States as well. There are thousands of published studies demonstrating the clinical effectiveness of laser therapy.
During a laser treatment light interacts with tissue at a cellular level, increasing the metabolic activity within the cells. This leads to a cascade of beneficial effects that increase cellular function and health. These effects are seen clinically as improved healing time, pain reduction, increased circulation, and decreased swelling.

Laser therapy has many different applications and is often used in conjunction with other modalities. A sample of conditions that may be helped with K laser treatment include:
- Arthritis
- Post-operative treatment - as adjunctive to pain control as well as to improve healing
- Wound management - both acute and chronic
- Dental extractions
For more information on laser therapy, go to
Client Testimonial
Our 13-year old dog has been getting weekly K-laser therapy for the last four months. Meg is a 60-pound lab mix and has arthritis at the base of her spine and in her shoulder area. She was a crazy, frisbee-playing dog in her youth! We decided to give the K-laser treatments a try as she was getting more and more uncomfortable, less interested in her daily walks, and bunny-hopping up the hill in our back yard. It was hard for us to see her suffer as her body became less agile.
The longer she gets her treatments, the more we can see the changes in her. She is more perky after her treatments - and we get glimpses of our younger Meg. She is more eager to walk, trots along at a faster pace, and is even playful with other dogs and us! She's figured out that the treatments are helping her because she easily lays down and complies during the treatments.
We feel confident the K-laser treatments are helping her age more comfortably and are grateful we have that option for her.
- Diane and Brad Dodge