Preventative Routine Veterinary Care

At South Forsyth Animal Hospital in Cumming, Georgia, we believe that preventative medicine is the best medicine. We offer routine health care from pediatric to geriatric to pets throughout the Cumming, Roswell, and Alpharetta area. We know that your pet is an important family member, and we want to help you keep that bond strong.
Pediatric Pet Care
Puppies require wellness visits, including vaccinations and deworming, every 3 weeks from 6 weeks old to 6 months of age. Emphasis is placed on early puppy training, heartworm and flea prevention, and generally integrating your puppy into your household.
We also offer puppy socials every three to four months to further assist in this endeavor. Kittens are seen every 3 weeks from 6 weeks old to 16 weeks of age. They also receive vaccinations, deworming, and heartworm and flea prevention. We tailor our vaccine recommendations based on lifestyle, breed, and suggested medical guidelines.

Healthy Adult Care
Most adult pets will see us yearly for a comprehensive physical exam, vaccinations, and heartworm and intestinal parasite screening. We will also discuss any additional recommended preventative screenings based on your pet's breed and lifestyle.
Senior Pet Care
As pets age, they may need to be seen more frequently. Symptoms of disease or a chronic condition may not be readily apparent. In some cases, conditions that may look like the usual signs of old age may be indications of a more series condition.
All senior pets are examined annually, although more frequent visits may be recommend based on each pet's individual health concerns.
You are an important ally in keeping your senior pet healthy! If your pet is experiencing any changes in behavior, we urge you to bring him or her in for a check-up. Together, we can make sure you and your faithful companion enjoy many more years together.
Heartworm Disease Prevention
Heartworm disease is a serious, life-threatening condition that affects both dogs and cats. The disease is transmitted by mosquitoes. Because of the large mosquito population in the Southeast, heartworm disease is very prevalent in Georgia.
The good news is that heartworm disease is easily prevented with a monthly oral or topical treatment. We recommend that all pets be on a monthly heartworm prevention and be tested annually. Talk with us about the medication that is best suited for your pet.

Flea and Tick Prevention
In Georgia, fleas are a year-round problem for pets and their owners. They are not just a nuisance; they carry diseases that can be dangerous to you and your pet. For example, fleas can transmit tapeworms, and often you can see segments of the tapeworm in your pet's stool. Your pet can also be allergic to fleas, and just one flea bite can cause an intense allergic reaction, resulting in a severely painful skin infection.
Ticks are not a problem for every pet, but they can carry a variety of serious illnesses, including Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.
Talk to a member of our medical team about which flea and tick prevention product is right for your pet.